Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Keep on Fighting

  There may come a point in your life when you stop and ask "what is the purpose of all this?" I know I have enough times.  Sometimes It can be hard to continue "fight(ing) the good fight," but God reassures us that He is waiting for us in Heaven; suffering will surely end.

  Suffering may be apart of your life right now.  Only in the past five months, since I began senior year, there has been a lot of instances where people in my life could have left the sight of the Lord.  But even as they underwent these tough times, they remembered the purpose of suffering, and their faith in the Lord only became stronger through the outcomes.  Job 36:15 states "But by means of their suffering, he rescues those who suffer.  For he gets their attention through adversity."  Not only can He get the person's attention who is actually being involved in the suffering, but also those related or observing the particular means of suffrage.
  Jesus suffered BIG TIME on the cross; the purpose of this suffering was to enable us to have a relationship with Him and be able to spend eternity with Him, although we are sinners.   Many may ask, "Why would a loving God allow suffering, hatred, and bad things in this world?"  We must remember that he has given free will to humans because of how much he loves us; is it TRUE love when you are forced? NO.  And remember, if it wasn't for suffering, Jesus would not have died on the cross; his death shows true love as well as a genuine choice for God shows our true love for Him.  Without free will, non of this is possible - love is only possible through free will.
It's hard to find a purpose on your own.  I have been searching for my future's purpose/career for a long while now; I have a few ideas, but nothing for sure. With the pushing of my father and the uncertainty of my decisions, the road has been kind of bumpy; but that's the cool things about God, He is good, and all things are good because he is in control.  When you look back on the road, you will realize those bumps made a perfect piece of art: you.

God never want you to give up.  He is the voice in you head that is constantly telling you to keep going.  He is the motivation that fuels ambition.  He is the power source of a seemingly weak man's struggle; He makes you strong. In some aspects, He can be explained; in others, one must have a relationship to understand.  No one fully understands Him, but He fully understands us.  And one day we will all be able to look at the world as He does; we will meet face to face and fully understand the purpose of all this, to include the bad things.

I know I have changed much so far since the beginning of senior year.  I pray Romania will help open my eyes to my purpose and what I must do, according to God, for and in my future.  I am so glad I said "yes"" to this trip; it has changed my life.  
I have experienced joyful change, and I cannot wait to share it with others to where they will want to change also.  
Change must occur to save people from death: spiritual death.

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