Thursday, January 17, 2013

Believing is not enough.

  One night in Apologetics class, Mr. Duffy asked us an odd questions: "Do you really believe in Jesus?"
  My first thought was: "Duh. Why would you ask such a crazy question.  I mean I go to a Christian school. I have been brought up in the Christian faith.  I have not known anything else my whole entire life. And I am even going on a mission trip to Romania."
  Then after some talking and discussion, he asked us something that really made me think: "If you truly believe that Jesus is God, and there is only one way to him and that unbelievers are going to go to Hell, why aren't you going to your neighbor who is lost, or you uncle who doesn't believe in Christ?  You know if they don't accept Christ, they will go to Hell for eternity.  Why aren't you doing anything about it? Is what you are doing or what you are planning to do with the rest of your life something you want to spend your life doing?"
   His words made me think about not only Romania, but also my future, and what I want to do with it.  I am still stuck in between what I want to do for God, and what others think I want to do, just because it makes good money and because its semi interesting to me.  I feel this passion within me, but people close to me have no faith in me, and it questions what I should be doing with my life.
  This is another reason why I am excited to go to Romania.  I pray every day that God will open my eyes and continue to open my eyes during this mission trip.  I expect an emotional journey, but I also expect to find out who I am and who God wants me to be.  I know these are high expectations for a mission trip; but it is the hope I am holding on to; HE is the hope I hold on to. 

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