Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Next Step.

  Even though our Christmas trees are still standing, ornaments and all, the Christmas season is officially over.
  Christmas is a time of remembrance, a time to spend with family, and most importantly, a time away from school.  With the beloved Christmas break now over, the Village Christian Seniors are looking forward to a new "break."  This break is, yes, away from school; but it will take place in a foreign land, far, far away. 
  Well, maybe not far far away. . .
  Romania.  Europe.  Thirty-two God-driven teenagers, some of whom have never flown on a plane.  Eight chaperones, to include Master Duff, and the Famous Vogel.  Two suitcases, a journal, a bible, a deodorant stick and prayer is the armor each individual is taking on this trip.  No matter how much indigestion or diarrhea the students contract, they are all on the same sheet of paper: serving God.  Drama team; Music team; Sound team; we are many branches serving the same trunk; a team always completes things faster and more effective than an individual.  We are all here for each other.  We will stand behind each other; beside each other.  We a school friends; but we must now become a family.  We are a family. 
  Raising money and planning for Romania might have been or is stressful, but as long as we hold on, we are on our way to a better tomorrow.  A better future, for not just us, but our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

  Just the other day, I think it was on Monday, I was driving to school with my sister.  We were driving through our neighborhood, on the way out, listening to my Building 429 CD; the usual Crawford morning.  Alexandra was telling me something as I was singing one of the songs that was echoing through my car.  For no reason, just because, I looked up.  In the sky I saw an airplane.  I smiled; the first thing that came to my mind was my Romania trip, which will take place in less than two months.
  The sight of this plain gave me excitement.  It reminded me of how much work our Drama team still has to complete.  It reminded me of the money I must raise by the end of this month.  For a moment, all the future memories I have already envisioned filled my head: sitting on the plane by my best friend; being able to stay up late and get to wake up the next morning to share God with others; becoming closer with my fellow students.  My past interactions with Europe (Germany and Poland) also came across my mind.  All these visions running through my head implanted excitement in my day, and my Monday turned into a Funday!

  For now, I must keep my eyes on the prize, and what I must complete now.  But, my excitement is what keeps me going.  
  The one thing I am most excited about is how this trip will change my life; and how this trip will change my relationship with those who will be walking right beside me as I undergo this change. 

"Serve WHOLEHEARTEDLY as if you were serving the Lord and not people." Ephesians 6:7

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