Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Pack Up and Get Out.

  The countdown is approaching single digits, and the excitement levels of the Village senior students are continuing to increase.  With every passing day, Romania only is coming closer, and the days we have been waiting for, for so long, are soon going to be reached.

   Since we leave next Saturday, this Saturday we are having a team meeting, and included in this meeting, each student must have all his/her luggage for the trip in order to get it weighed and such. Because of this 'having to be packed one week early' mess, my room and bathroom currently look like a bomb has been dropped, a tornado has arrived, and a '34' has been let loose.  Even though I am normally a very organized person, when it comes to packing, I have A.D.D. and O.C.D.; I cannot focus on one item while packing, which turns it into 'packing week'.  I do enjoy to wake up to a messy room because it, indeed, reminds me of what fun I will be having in *insert number of days left until Romania here* days.

I rather be blogging than journaling.

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