Friday, February 22, 2013

Students from Fayetteville Christian School, Village Christian Academy to spend spring break doing good in remote locations around world.

This article is taken from The Fayetteville Observer. Do not mistaken this writing for my own!
When Jesus gave his followers their Great Commission, he simply said to go and make disciples of all nations.
The advice to bring granola and bug spray came along later.
Next week, nearly 80 high school seniors and chaperones from Fayetteville Christian School and Village Christian Academy will share scripture and sweat in remote locations around the world.
One group will trek into a steamy tropical jungle, while the other will hike through chilly Old World scenery.
Both will come home tired and, their teachers hope, thankful.
"The students will get a workout, that's for sure," said Roger Vogel, a teacher at Village Christian. His group of 36 will head into the Transylvania area of Romania to share their faith.
Meanwhile, 47 students and chaperones from Fayetteville Christian will travel by dugout canoe to a remote village in southern Costa Rica.
The trips are part of the faith-based curriculum at both schools, a tradition that the students face with a blend of excitement and anxiety.
"It's a mix of both," said Erin Stanley, a senior at Fayetteville Christian. Her group plans to teach a Bible school and work on a fresh water project for a local tribe, the Bribri.
Students such as Chima Enwere acknowledge the week away from the comforts of home will be a challenge.
"No cellphone, no computer, all in a place I've never seen," he said.
Kevin Clark, another senior, said the experience will remove him from "my Southern comfort zone."
"For some people, the physical work will be different, but we'll all be a long way from home," he said.
That's part of the process, said Fayetteville Christian headmaster Tammi Peters.
"We can talk about the importance of mission work in the Christian faith, or we can do it," Peters said. "The experience teaches them how to teach others about our faith."
But the students learn other life lessons as well, she added.
"The experience helps prepare them for their life after high school, whether they're going to college, to the military, whatever God has planned for them."
Vogel agreed, saying that the experience should make the students less hesitant to go overseas in the future.
"Not only is it an excellent opportunity to serve the Lord, but it teaches them a bit about themselves," he said. "We're teaching outside the classroom. In the future, if an opportunity to travel overseas comes up, they'll have their passports and experience to fall back on. It'll be a piece of cake."
One lesson all the students share is to bring snacks. That and bug spray - lots of bug spray.
"We've been warned by the group from last year," Clark said. "I'm bringing granola bars and beef jerky."
"It's a different world," added Stanley, who said she's bringing Chunky Chips-Ahoy to fend off hunger and homesickness.
"It's going to be tough for some of us," Stanley said. "We'll be depending on each other for support."
Plus, Peters notes, the trip helps prepare students for the day they leave home.
"When they come back, they are much more appreciative of the blessings the Lord has presented us in our home country," she said.

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