Wednesday, February 6, 2013

We Conquered.

   It occurred to me not long ago that everyone of us humans are determining our futures; not our career futures or love life futures, but our spiritual futures.  This decision is final and can never be changed after death; it is not God's decision, but ours.  For example, when a child does something wrong and is grounded for it, the parent tells the child, "This was not my decision, but yours."  Although many children and teenagers will gawk at this example and tell me I am wrong, the parent must punish the child for what he/she has done, or they will never learn.  BUT this analogy does not fully convert; in the end, God is not trying to teach us anything, but is giving us for what we asked.  Many may claim that God himself is the one throwing humans into Hell, but the following verses will prove that theory incorrect. Matthew 7:23 states, "And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."  Matthew 10:32-33 agrees, “Everyone who acknowledges me publicly here on earth, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven.  But everyone who denies me here on earth, I will also deny before my Father in heaven."
  People who die and are damned to Hell will go to Hell, BUT CAN NEVER GET OUT. EVER.  This seems kinda like a foreign thought, since all humans on earth are under time limits of some sort.  It is scary thinking of a person going to Hell and dying a second death FOREVER; a inescapable death, and unending death.  When I started trying to wrap my brain around that fact, it scared me, and tears sometimes leave my eyes when I think of this.
  Mr. Duffy told us one day in chapel something that is very true.  In Heaven, we will be able to sing and fellowship with others perfectly, but there is one thing that we cannot do in Heaven which we must learn to do on earth, and that is share the love of God with those who need it.  Christian should make a goal to get as many people on "our side," but share the love of Christ with as many people, and help them understand Him; yes, I want to "convert" people to Christianity so they will not spend an eternity somewhere where they do not want to go.  This is one of the main reasons I am so excited I decided to go on this Romania trip; although, when I leave, I may never see some of these people again in my human lifetime, I know that I will see them once again in Heaven.

Below is the latest version of our Who Is The Master skit!
In this video we are only missing one actress.  We still have minor changes to make, which will be made during the time before and during Romania.  I cannot wait to come home and perform this at our Senior Mission Trip chapel!

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